Daily Life
At Two Sentinels, there is a general routine that most units follow. Units schedule time at various activities, and all girls stay with their units throughout the day.
Sample Schedule
What do campers encounter every day?![]() Meadowlarks doing dishes.
All Two Sentinels campers and staff use what we call a BIFFY (Bathroom In Forest For You), which is basically an outhouse or pit toilet. Staff cleans and sanitizes them every day, and we have procedures in place to keep them as odor-free as possible. Campers never clean biffies or shower houses. Flag Every morning at 7:50 and every evening at 5:20, there is a flag ceremony. Each unit will perform the ceremony one day each session. Kapers Every unit has kapers (chores) to do every day. From straightening trails around camp to performing the flag ceremony, everyone does her part to keep camp running. Hopping Every unit spends one day hopping. A hopper sets tables before the meal, brings food to her table during the meal (we eat family style), and gets to wash dishes after the meal. Doing dishes is actually a favorite activity at camp, and water fights are to be expected... Down Time Every unit has some down time almost every day, where campers can eat a special snack prepared by the kitchen, write some letters, play cards, read their mail, or just rest quietly with friends. Showers Campers are able to shower about every other day during the session. All showers are equipped with inline water heaters, hot water, private stalls, and private changing areas. We have NO group or "gang" showers at camp. Evening Program There is an evening program almost every night! There are two all-camp campfires with skits and songs, plus smaller campfires and get-togethers throughout the week. Several nights during the session groups host open s'mores parties for any unit who wishes to attend! InfirmaryTwo Sentinels has a well-stocked infirmary. Known as the “Birdhouse,”
campers go to the infirmary to get bandages and medications. All medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, are turned into the
nurses at the Birdhouse the first day of camp. The Birdhouse has
office hours throughout the day for medications and non-emergency medical treatment. The Birdhouse is, of course, open at all times for
emergencies. All units are also equipped with first aid kits and basic first aid supplies. There is always qualified and certified medical personnel
on site, and there is a Wilderness First Aid or Wilderness First Responder staff person in every backpacking unit and many in-camp units. There is an AED on-site.
FoodTwo Sentinels cooks are renowned
in the camping world for their scrumptious creations. We serve a hot
prepared breakfast and dinner every day.
Breakfast might include scrambled eggs, French toast, bagels, sausage, bacon, coffee cake, oatmeal, juice, cold cereal, hot chocolate or pancakes.
Dinner dishes might include turkey and stuffing, teriyaki chicken, barbecued chicken, meatloaf, tacos, spaghetti, cornbread, biscuits, milk, water, green beans, salad, corn, cake, brownies, or peach cobbler. The goal of the cooks at Two Sentinels is to provide well-rounded, nutritious meals. While each camper is served her food family style (as opposed to buffet style), she may choose what she wants to eat out of the offered food. There is a set menu every meal with a main dish, vegetable and/or fruit, side dish(es), drinks, and dessert. Special Dietary Needs See Allergies and Special Diets. Mail is great way to stay connected to home while at camp! Mail is distributed daily.
It can take 3-5 days for a letter to reach camp. Please also see the FAQ on homesickness for some letter-writing hints to keep your camper happy! NOTE: We are unable to accept packages. Any packages sent to camp will be returned to sender. Send stamps with your camper if you want to get mail back! For more details on how and where to send mail, see Contact Us. |