We all get a little homesick (even staff)! We miss those we love, and that's okay!
The important thing to realize when you get homesick is why you're feeling sad. Let people know you're feeling a little down--we've all been there, so we can help you through it! What does homesickness feel like?
A lot of us don't realize we're homesick at first. We feel a little sad, and we don't want to do anything. We feel like we don't have very much energy.
When we think about the people we miss, we can get a stomachache or headache. If we do not think about anything but how much we want to be with the people we miss, we'll feel even worse, because we can't have what we think we need. I'm worried about being homesick at camp!
That's perfectly normal.
You are putting yourself in a completely different situation than you're used to. You are around different people, eating different food, and sleeping in a different bed. This can make you a little scared and a little sad. You want to be home with people you love in a place where you are comfortable and secure. It takes time for everyone to adjust and feel comfortable in new situations. Some people take longer than others. Once you realize you're feeling this way, let your counselors know! They'll help you stay focused on enjoying your time. They've all been there and can give you tips on how to get through homesickness. It's a sign you are challenging yourself and getting outside your comfort zone! The best things often don't come easy. The truth is that it's okay to miss people and places, and you are in charge of what you do. You can choose to participate in activities or you can choose not to participate, it's up to you. But if you let homesickness control how you participate at camp, you will feel more miserable than is necessary. We think you are a wonderful and strong person for coming to camp. We want you to have a great time! Trust us and put your energy into enjoying every moment you can of camp. Advice from campers to campers: I bring a stuffed animal that I sleep with! It always makes me feel better and it's nice having something to hug. I also like writing home because it makes it feel like that person is there to share all of my experiences with. -Hillary I think about what I'm going to do tomorrow and what I want to tell my parents and my brothers about when I get home. -Danielle I'm worried about my camper being homesick!
Counselors are very sensitive to this issue!
If this is the first time your camper has slept away from home (or they have had problems before), help them think about strategies they can use to get through it. Let them know it's normal and everyone experiences it. Tell them about a time you were homesick and how you handled it. Why can't my camper call me? We don't allow campers to call home because this makes homesickness worse and doesn't teach them how to get through temporary discomfort. Please don't promise your camper that they can call if they miss you. Trust us to help your camper through this. They will come home stronger and happier because of it! Check out several terrific articles on homesickness HERE! What training or tips do staff receive to help campers with homesickness?
Our staff:
PARENTS have the biggest impact on homesickness.
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